Cashflow History

To view the Cashflow History page, in the toolbar, under Risk Manager, click Risk Visualizer.

The Cashflow History table displays a record of all your previously created cashflows. Each row represents a saved cashflow record. By default,10 rows per page are displayed, you can customize the rows to be displayed per page from the Rows per page dropdown at the bottom of the table.

Note: If there are no cashflows created, this table will be blank and you will see the message, No record of cashflows created. Create your cashflow first.

To make it easier for you to find a specific cashflow, you can filter the Cashflow History table. You can use more than one of these search methods at a time.

The cashflow history table displays information about the saved cashflows.

  • Action—List of user actions that can be performed on the cashflows. You can Edit, DeleteExport,and view the Risk Exposure Summary for your cashflow. For more information see Action Menu.

  • Cashflow Title—The name of the cashflow. You can click the cashflow title to view the Risk Exposure Summary for your cashflow.

  • Input Format—The selected input method for the cashflow, Net Cashflow, or Incoming/Outgoing Cashflow.

  • Frequency—The selected frequency to enter the cashflow transaction information, Monthly or Weekly.

  • Horizon—The length of time set for the cashflow.

  • Currencies—The currencies selected for the cashflow.

  • Start Date— The date when the cashflow will start.

  • Created On—The date when the cashflow was created.

  • Last Modified—The date when the cashflow was last updated.

  • Status—The current cashflow status. See the cashflow status table below.

Cashflow Statuses

In the grid on the Cashflow History page, the Status column shows the current state of each cashflow. The possible statuses are:

Status Explanation

The cashflow is completed.

  • All required information is entered.

  • You can view the Risk Exposure Summary for this cashflow.

  • All the options in the Action menu are enabled.


The cashflow is incomplete.

  • Review your cashflow and click Complete.

  • The Exposure Summary option is disabled for cashflows with incomplete status.

For information to complete the cashflow, see Review Summary.

Out of Date
  • Out of Date cashflows are previously saved cashflows, where the horizon of these cashflows (the overall duration of the forecasted transactions) is in the past.

  • The system will take the starting date/month of the cashflow and add the horizon of the cashflow, if the end date is earlier than the current date, the status for those cashflows will be updated to Out of Date.

  • The Edit option is disabled for cashflows with Out of Date status.

Action Menu

You can EditDelete, Export, or view the Risk Exposure Summary for the saved cashflow risk from the Action column. To view the menu, click the Risk Visualizer Action Menu Icon on the left in the Action column.

Action Explanation
Exposure Summary

Click to view the Risk Exposure Summary for the completed cashflow. This option can also be accessed either by clicking the button in the Action column or the cashflow name in the Cashflow Title column. Note:The option to view the Risk Exposure Summary is disabled for incomplete cashflows

Export (.csv) Click Export (.csv) to export the cashflow as .csv.The data is saved in a .csv file.
Edit Click to edit the saved cashflow. You'll be redirected to the Enter Cashflow Transactions Note:This option is disabled for cashflows with Out of Date status.
Delete Click to delete any of the created cashflows. A confirmation dialog appears that asks you to confirm that you want to delete the cashflow. Click YES to confirm the deletion. Important: Deleted cashflows cannot be recovered.

To create a new cashflow, click CREATE CASHFLOW. Proceed to the section Create Cashflow.

Note: This product is only intended for clients of a Corpay Cross-Border entity; only some jurisdictions are in scope, as approved by Corpay.